
Jesus Is Among Us Disguised As A Beggar

Book 5 of 7 in the series, MESSAGES FROM GOD

Publication date: ‎December 14, 2021
Language: English
Simultaneous device usage: Unlimited
Print length: 93 pages


In the Messages in the book, JESUS IS AMONG US DISGUISED AS A BEGGAR, God tells us that Jesus is already among us on earth, that Jesus moves from place to place and that Jesus is horrified in his heart by all the cruelty and violence that takes place on earth.

Excerpt of the Message from 10.05.2014:

This spiral of violence the world can not fight by itself, because to stop the violence of the world brings even more wars, where many innocent hearts are being sacrificed.

But God He wants Another World to create, where the violence is displaced by Love and everyone thinks Bright Thoughts.

In This World it is comfortable to live, because there are no restrictive rules to be followed. Here thoughts flow from heart to heart so everything is synchronized.


My Heart beats for All the Children of Mine


Listen unto Me My Dear Child and let Me speak to Your Heart.
My Angels come to the entire earth in Their Thousands,
to protect all the souls that choose to belong to the Lord.

My Heart beats for All the Children of Mine,
whom I have brought to this world so that they could find My Soul,
which I have hidden as A Jewel in their innermost soul.

But not All the Children of Mine have had an easy life on this earth,
because their hearts have not been met with Joy.

The Time is drawing closer when a lot will happen,
and all hearts are met with Love and Joy.

So open Your Heart for My Holy Spirit that wants to capture Your Heart,
so that you can be lifted up into Heaven and live by My Side.
In My Heart there is Room for all who receive the Holy Spirit,
and want to walk on the Path of Jesus.

So Look out into the world with Joy in Mind, when you shall talk about the Lord.
He wishes to use you so His Words can stream forth from Your Tongue.
They come to you as Solid Gold when you shall talk directly about the Lord.
So My Dear Child come out of your hiding place, and let the Words from the Lord be heard.

There awaits you A Great Gift when you are Ready in Your Heart.
In My Heart you have A Place that is given to The Few,
so receive Your Calling and lift Your Burden, and serve Your Lord with Honour.

The Son of Mine waits by Your Door to capture Your Heart,
so Rejoice My Dear Child over the Love you will encounter.

He stays with you until the Time has come for Him to throw off His Disguise,
to save All the Children on earth from sorrow and anguish.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,


The Bells sound for the Last Time


Listen within and hear what I will say to you.

You walk My Way, you listen to Me and the Souls are being united,
so on My Bidding You will serve Your Father Forever.

The Bells sound for the Last Time to awaken all in their heart,
so that the Garden of the Father so Eternal Green,
Forever can be created on earth.

So open Your Heart and receive the Holy Spirit in Your Heart,
and We will be united Forever.

Jesus, My Son throws off His Disguise so He can serve Me,
as He has done from the Dawning of Time.

He carries My Shield by His Heart to be protected For Ever.

So See out into the day and open Your Heart,
for every single soul you meet on Your Way,
who wants to walk with Jesus.

Times will change and you will See,
The Sign light up in Heaven with Writing Aflame.
It tells everyone directly that the Time has come.

Jesus, My Son wears His Disguise to serve the Will of His Father,
so He can meet every single soul on earth, and open their heart for the Lord,
so in the Final Hour they can receive the Holy Spirit in their Heart,
and get An Angel by their side.

So sing out into the Night My Eternal Tone to hold your brother dear,
so you can lead him by Your Hand to the Father in Heaven.
Here He will meet A Tremendous Love that will fill up his heart.

So do not fear My Child, when Jesus throws off His Disguise,
for you have An Angel by your side in Eternal Love.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,